Friday, March 30, 2007

A slow-learner...How's your feeling ????

How does it feel to have a slow-learner child ?? Frustrated?? Regret ?? Pity ?? Angry ??

I used to be a teacher back in the early 90s and I remember I was asked to teach English and Maths to form 3 and form 4 classes at a school in Kemasik , Terengganu. Most of the students came from poor fishermen's families and of course most of their parents were not educated( lucky if they passed std.6 ).

The worst class that I taught at that time was Form 3B2......only 4 girls out of 33 students and not a single student could read Bahasa Malaysia and for know the answer.... I went to see the Principal because I was blank of what to teach...I couldn't teach them based on the Form 3 syllabus ...I asked my very kind Principal, Cikgu Shaari Cheek if I could just teach them the basic English like std 1/2 lessons least they would get something rather than nothing. There's no way those poor and weak students could pass their SRP and them passing English... I would not dreammm.....The Principal gave a nod to my request..he too understood that there's no way I could teach those guys to get at least D8 in just a few months before the SRP....

I was happy with the support given by cikgu shaari because if the nazir came and checked my teaching record Mr principal would help me with the explanation....thank God the nazir came when I was organizing an English week and I had a compliment for doing something that had never been done before (gannu at that time was still in 'dark ages', sorry gannu folks... )
....a week full of games, quizzes, singing, drama, speech all done in English.

3B2 was always the hot topic discussed in the staffroom and at one point one teacher said(I ingat lagi ayat dia )....." I tak taulah apa nak jadi dengan budak-budak tu, satu apa pun tak tau buat, bukan je tak pandai belajar, taktau serba serbi, menyapu pun tak betul, habuk tak habis disapu, baju kotor, arahan orang tak faham..."...I selalu menyampuk....Pity them.... I was closed to some of them and I even gave a free 5 minutes/day english reading session to a few students who were willing to sacrifice their recess period and came to learn simple reading with me at the school library.... Those students couldn't even pronounce the words 'he' she' 'am' correctly...can you imagine how i felt teaching ....Most of the time , I felt so so sad... One day this boy M came and he had something in his hand and he said to me ; " teacher, kita nok beghi hadiah ke teacher ..." he handed me a gift wrapped in an A4 typing paper... It really touched my heart knowing that he was a very poor orphan... I opened the gift....a small pocket size pack of tissue paper ( at that time it was 20 cents ). I couldn't hold my tears not because it was a very cheap gift but I was really touched by the fact he gave me something to show his appreciation teaching him to pronounce the word he........

Out of 33 only 4 managed to get thru SRP and continued studying..the rest...history.. boys ..fishermen....girls....who knows...I once met M at a coffee shop in Kijal, he called me..."teacher, ingak lagi dok ke kite"..... I looked at him and said... "Oh..M... ingat ".. and he worked as a waiter and he insisted to pay for my teh ais and 3 pau kacang....

Back to my opening question.... how do you feel to have like 3B2 students as your children????

Just recently Izzat brought his exam report card...he got no2 and scored 'mumtaz'/ cemerlang.. he got 19.1 /20 ( here they set 20% for 1st exam. 20 for 2nd, 40 for final, 20 for class participation...alhamdulillah....he's always the top in class since std 1 at Al Amin back then and still is ....Mimi brought back a large rattan+steel serving tray as a presentfrom school for scoring high marks at her little pre- school...Alhamdulillah.

Having all my children being among the top 5 at schools at all time, I sometimes do not know what or how to react if having a 'not-so-clever' child in academics........


kakLuna said...

salam kenal..terima kasih sbb tolong bg nasihat kat posting saya arinih..

adik S sy pun jenis mcm tu,tp mak dia selalu marah2,dan layan adik S mcm rimas dan selalu jugak sbut2 perkataan2 yg x sepatutnya pd adik S..

adik S dah form 5,tp tak penah solat..mak dia pun tak penah galakkan..seolah2 mak dia mmg dh putus harap dh nk tgk adik S ni seperti remaja lain..yg sedihnya adik S ni perempuan..

Anonymous said...

errmm.. i'm sure u were a very2 good teacher.. sbb tu la student2 sayangkan u. org kate, 2 kerja yg paling mulia kat dunia ni ialah cikgu & doktor. sebab tu la gelaran 'Cikgu X' atau 'Dr Y' akan kekal melekat even selepas org2 tersebut meninggal. Thanx Teacher Ina. Hihihi..

NBK466 said...

Congrates Izzat...more dapat maintain the good score..M'si BULEHHH...he..he..he..

Anonymous said...

I got a mixture of both good and slow learner children. Kena banyak bersabar dgn slow learner. Mungkin kelebihan dia kat benda lain dan berdoa pada Allah mudahan dia berjaya dunia dan akhirat.

Intan said...

my youngest was a slow learner, but she was also a determine child and she went beyond me and my husband's expectation. Alhamdulillah. My son was an intelligent boy, but he was horribly lazy and now he does whatever he likes and has no regrets.

Should i feel ashame of him while feel proud of her? i love them both and gave them both the same opportunities, but in the end, it is really up to them.

how do i react to my son? i love him but i'm neither proud of him nor ashame of him and i don't hide the truth from ppl who asked me about him because hiding means being ashame of him and i am not.

Faizah said...

I am an english teacher too in rural area somewhere in Kelantan..I knew the difficulties in teaching them especially the weak and slow learners..It was so hard but I enjoyed teaching them especially for thoso who are really wanted to achieve their goal to be successfull..:p

Makcik Runner said...

i tgh fenin with my 1st daughter nih. her grades always drop..i admit i jarang dpt nak coach dia with her homeworks bcoz i found out she could not understand much what i tried to teach her so i leave it be since she's only in std 3 this year. she doesn't seem to possess interest in her studies..nak kena kerah baru nak bukak buku ke buat homework ke so unlike the 2nd daughter. hmm..cemana nak buat nih. if she doesn't buck up end of this yr, i'm going to send her for tuition. if that doesn't work then i'm going to have a serious talk with the father...should we terminate her schooling or something like that and instead ask her to find work....LOL! just kidding lorr..

i wont feel ashamed of her, that's for sure. every kid is unique. she may not be so academically inclined but i notice she likes art and anything to do with artistic thingy. she likes to sing, dance and sometimes she can be a drama queen...maybe that's her forth. maybe she wants to be a singer or actress??

ehh..panjang plak my komen ari ni. i thot this was my blog...HAHAHAHA!

aNIe said...

Rina...kadang2 anak2 yang 'kurang cerdik' ni kita nak paksa2 pun tak boleh...tapi kalau diperhatikan...ade diantara anak2 ni ade kepandaian mereka di sudut lain...mungkin dlm bidang akademik mereka lemah tapi mereka pandai dari segi teknikal atau pun bidang yang lain...sebab setiap insan di dunia ni Allah berikan keistimewaan mereka...

Kak Elle said...

I salute to your patients and supportive towards those children.Who is to blaim?no one probably if a given a chance those poor children can excel but help came a little late.Even from what I hear now English is not an easy subject fro these children!!
Congrats to your prince and princess for their good result too.
For those teachers you mentioned who condemned these children...I am ashamed of them.

silversarina said...

kak luna.... mungkin mak dia frust dah puas dinasihat tapi sepatutnya adik S diberi perhatian lebih oleh ibubapa dan juga guru sekolah...

Apapun akak doakan agar adik S tak terus terabai.


jhazkitaro..... naluri ibu sepanjang menjadi guru membuatkan makcik sentiasa terasa sayang dan sedih kalau anak murid gagal dalam pelajaran tapi makcik selalu doakan agar mereka yang keciciran dapat menjalani hidup sebagai insan biasa yang tidak menjadi beban kepada insan lain.

You're welcome , dear student...


nbk466..Tq and doakan kejayaan seterusnya, InsyaAllah.


zlaa..... agaknya memang banyak dugaan dalam memberi tunjuk-ajar pada semua anak bergantung kepada kecekapan masing-masing...kena istiqomah...InsyaAllah.


intan..... yelah kan buat apa nak malu dengan anak-anak, gagal dalam pelajaran bukan bermakna gagal dalam kehidupan....yang berjaya dalam pelajaran belum tentu berjaya dalam kehidupan.


faizabelle79..... perasan tak kita happy sangat kalau anak murid yang lemah dapat jawab'yes' ..... satu pencapaian pada mereka dan pada kita juga... mengajar budak-budak lemah ni kena banyak sabar dan lebih kasih sayang, itu yang penting.


kc..... kisah you ni pernah kawan I alami.... my friend masukkan anak dia ke pusat latihan kemahiran yang boleh menggarap potensi anak dia dan Alhamdulillah anak dia cemerlang di kolej tersebut.... Kenalpasti potensi anak sebelum usia mereka meningkat remaja adalah jalan yang terbaik...sekarang peluang terbuka luas dalam pelbagai bidang...


kak lady.... I selalu terfikir camtu sebab dalam sebuah kelas ada yang no1 dan ada yang no 40 tapi yang no 40 mungkin lebih arif dalam bab bercakap yang boleh dilatih untuk menjadi salesman yang bukan calang-calang orang boleh buat...

Selalu buat I sedih bila dapat tahu budak perempuan yang gagal di sekolah berkahwin dengan lelaki yang juga gagal di sekolah dan kehidupan si perempuan lebih teruk daripada sebelum kahwin.... maknanya generasi ke generasi tetap akan hidup dalam kesusahan.

silversarina said...

kak elle.... memang mengajar di terengganu banyak juga mengajar I erti kehidupan, di sanalah I mengenal kesusahan dan keperitan hidup para nelayan dan amat faham nilai sebuah keluarga bahagia kerana tanpa kasih sayang , pendidikan tidak tercapai matlamatnya. menjadi guru kena ikhlas kerana apa yang kita katakan menjadi doa kepada anak murid...ada guru yang suka maki-hamun dan caci anak murid ...ini bukan etika seorang pendidik.

Mama Sarah said...

banyak nak kena sabar kan? bnyk nk kena belajar dari kakak2 yg bnyk pengalaman ni.

NorAiniJ said...

Hmm... Kak Rina ni must be a very devoted and passionate cikgu, sebab tu anak2 murid sayang kan.

Oh.. Kak Rina tak mengajar kat Jordan ke.. Cuma hubby akak je lah yg jadi lecturer kat Jordan tu ye?

silversarina said...

mama sarah..... jadi ibu memang kena sabar dan bijak melayan anak-anak....


nj........ Akak memang minat jadi pendidik dan sayang pada anak-anak murid.

Akak resigned lama dulu.... my hubby bukan pendidik, dia engineering consultant kerja di UAE dan balik 2 bulan sekali.. kilang dia atas pulau , so akak tak boleh tinggal sekali dengan dia di sana, tu yang akak pindah duduk di jordan bersama anak-anak.

Kiah Kardashian said...

Cikgu Shaari yang 'hari hari cikgu main bola' tu keh? :)

Saya respek cikgu macam akak ni. Bukan semua yang ada inisiatif macam akak. Moga Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas...

silversarina said...

zakiah..hari-hari main bola....taklah...rasanya dia tak main bola sebab big saiz and dah berumur, dah lama jugak dah pencen...

timakasih sebab dapat menyelami kepayahan menjadi pendidik..bukan senang amanah nak mendidik anak orang...