Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Masih belum terlambat nak ucapkan selamat hari guru buat semua guru yang tidak kenal jemu mendidik dan mengajar walau di mana saja....


Masih teringat semasa masih menjdi guru, setiap kali hari guru tak pernah kosong meja guru, penuh dengan pelbagai hadiah yang diberi sebagai tanda terimakasih anak murid buat guru mereka.

Semasa masih dibangku sekolah setiap kali hari guru , I selalunya menjadi pengarah hari guru dan tidak pernah sekali lupa memberi hadiah buat guru tersayang dan tak pernah ketinggalan mengambil bahagian semasa perayaan hari guru... menyanyi, menari, bermain( sekolah all girls memang seronok, kami bebas buat apa sahaja, guru lelaki cuma 2 orang, ustaz dan guru sains ( tak de yang megajar I waktu tu ).

I can't remember how many teachers have taught me since kindergarten in Melaka , std 1&2 in Kuching, std3&4 in PD, std 5&6 in KK, std 6 in Ipoh , form 1-5 in Ipoh, english course in ICLS, DC, B Sc. in AU , DC , Dip Ed. IIUM, MY , Dip. Islamic World, KT and other cikgu and ustaz ....

What can I say..I just remember a few names..most of them yang taught me during my secondary schools...cikgu Maimunah ( my form /biology teacher, cikgu marsiah( adored her so much, she's arwah now ), Cik azizun ( my favourite history teacher , so cute and ladylike ), Mrs Robeahtun ( a nice HM, I was the head prefect , so I was so close to her ), puan Lau( PE teacher, I never liked her, mean and 'cruel' ), Mrs Silvarani , my Add Maths teacher, so sweet in her sari and high pitch voice, always held the chalk with tissue paper and my ustazah Aisyah, not so nice, so sarcastic towards me who liked wearing skirt to school..... well ... I love them so much and when I myself involved in education, I know it's not easy to please every single students at school.....

Guru tanpa jemu mendidik , mengajar, menegur ...tiada sekelumit rasa benci pada anak didik....betapa suci tugas guru.....

Buat semua guru di luar sana.... anggaplah tugas ini suatu amanah yang mendapat ganjaran yang amat besar dari ALLAH swt.



hakim dirani said...

Teringat benar guru2 Malaysia. :)

D said...

eee, dah lama tak datang sini - sorry ye kak! Now that I'm teaching/tutoring part-time, my time in the blogging world is rather limited. Alahai, I pun nak buat tribute to my teachers lah! Have written an entry on teachers' day too but forgot to remember them specifically...

J.T. said...

Wow.. you moved around quite a bit during your schooling days.
Our teachers, strict or nice, were instrumental in our upbringing. When we left our houses in the morning for school, teachers become our part-time parents.
Teachers are truly special people.

maklang said...

Moga2 guru kita ni diberi gaji yang lebih tinggi...tengokkan kerja mereka tu esp. bab2 nak layan budak2 yang tak nak dengar cakap aje...dah pening kepala. Belum lagi kena tanda buku yang tebal2 tu...

Mulan said...

jasa guru memang tak ternilai. semoga mereka terus ikhlas mencurahkan bakti utk kesejahteraan & kegemilangan generasi yg akan datang..

Anonymous said...

Alamak! Terlupa pulak hari guru this time. Ya, my teachers have influenced me a lot. Happy Teacher's Day:)

Kaklong Syikin said...


selamat hari ibu, kak.

Bila saya baca akak akan pulang terus ke Msia lepas Syawal nim akak akan bekerja atau terus menjadi surirumah?

silversarina said...

hakim dirani,

Guru-guru sentiasa inginkan yang terbaik untuk anak muridnya....



ooo dah jadi cikgu balik..good for you :)

Selamat hari guru !!


j.t. ,

My late father used to be an army, never been at any place for more than 2 years.... I always missed my teachers whenever we moved .



memang kesian kat guru especially yang mengajar pelajar degil dan lembam, gaji banyak mana pun tak ternilai harga jasa guru.



kerjaya guru sepatutnya diangkat mertabat kerana merekalah penjana generasi akan datang , betul apa yang you kata.



You sure are blessed having dedicated teachers influenced your successful life, keep it up !!


kak long,

terimakasih, kalau akak jadi balik akak memang housewife macam biasa.... :)

Makcik Runner said...

u're a teacher too right? wish u a happy teacher's day. i'm sure yr ex-students wished u the same thing wherever they are now

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Jangan lupa ucap juga Hari Guru kepada cikgu sekolah memandu. Tanpa mereka tak dapatlah kita lesen memandu.. :)

Lee said...

Hello loveujordan, Wow! Your resume sure very impressive. OUTSTANDING! My company based in Geneva looking for someone like you for post of Vice President.
Would a US $365,000 a year salary motivate you to join us? It will involve a lot of overseas travel. You will be provided with a limo for official use, and a Mercedes S550 for your own use, and an unlimited expense account.
Arhaaa ha ha, just kidding.
You sure practically covered half the planet in your education. Wa, you boleh lagi remember their names too. I remember we had a Malay cikgu and he had one front tooth missing, he can't whistle...anyway, our nickname for him was 'cikgu Batu cave'. There was a lady teacher, my form 3. She was very busty, we named her, "miss boom boom".
Hey, I love your name, "Sarinah". Wa, the name so very elegant. Like actress from Beverly Hills address.
Oh ya, you will be receiving a dinner invitation from me soon.
You have a nice day, loveujordan. UL.
By the way, they still hanging clothes up on the rooftops? Ha ha. I must be careful when driving below incase any errrr, ahem, small piece fly off jatuh on my car window. Hee hee.

Anonymous said...

hmmm.. tibe2 pulak rindu kat cikgu2 saye dulu. balik msia nanti insyaAllah saye nak pay visits to my ex-schools (mrsmtaiping n kolejmarabanting). harap2 tercapai laa hajat nak jumpe cikgu2 yg masih ade kat sana. anyway, Happy Teacher's Day to u!!!

Anonymous said...

Selamat Hari Guru. Cantik rumah baru..

Kak Elle said...

alamak terlambat pulak ingat dah komen smlm....

happy teacher's day rina even though dah ex....hehe

silversarina said...


tq for the wish.... bila teringat kat anak murid, kadangkala memang rindu gurau senda mereka.... :)



timakasih tolong ingatkan..tapi cikgu memandu I dah tiada di dunia ni, cikgu tu adalah arwah my father, dia ada sekolah memandu, tapi he's so strict, I ambik test parking 3x jugaklah, teruk kena marah sampai dah tak nak ambik lesen, dia pujuk balik... kenangan :)


u.lee ,

oh la la... thought it's so feet are off the ground lah... :)

Naughty uncle... you must've been so in love with that form 3 boom boom teacher... 40 minutes seemed like 5 mins only lah... hehehe... must've also given lots of presents to her :P

Sarinah...that's only a part of my name....wait until you know my full name..I'll be flying without wings to your mansion for 'our' dinner ( is my hubby also invited ??? ).

just joking ya uncle, kita sama-sama Ipoh mali , hati semua mau baik maaa.



TQ, TQ. Baik sangatlah kalau pergi melawat guru-guru tu, memang they'll feel so appreciated bila dapat kunjungan anak murid...



Timakasih zlaa...tak plan nak tukar rumah tapi 'tertukar pulak... hehehe.


kak elle,

I yang bubuh 3 entries semalam, lepas gian, tu yang kak elle terlepas komen tu... thanks so much and it's a pleasure to have been able chatting with you this evening.

Faizah said...

Guru..jasamu dikenang..

silversarina said...


berbahagialah guru yang mendidik tanpa kenal penat lelah , Amin.

Anonymous said...

Bestnya lagu.. Apakah maknanya?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm looking for my former headmistress - Puan Robeahtun - who was HM when I was in the VI. I googled her, and your webpage came up. Just wondering if you have her contact details. Thanks.