Thursday, May 31, 2007

Kau Pergi Jua...

Ketika membaca entry doctor k. d . di Dublin pagi tadi hati terus terusik dan sayu apabila mengenangkan abah yang telah pergi meninggalkan kami semua 11 tahun yang lampau. Walaupun sudah agak lama berita sedih ini diterima dengan pasrah namun masa terasa begitu pantas berlalu. Terasa baru kelmarin ianya berlaku dan masih teringat lagi saat terakhir abah bersama kami....

Abah seorang yang tegas tetapi penyayang terhadap kami semua. Berbekalkan kehidupan yang rumit dibesarkan tanpa ibu dan ayah serta sikap sanak saudara yang merasakan satu beban menanggung seorang anak yatim piatu ..mengikut cerita abah, keturunan abah datang dari keluarga yang agak senang kerana dari keturunan di raja , tetapi disebabkan masa dahulu bila terjadi sesuatu tragedi dalam keluarga maka abahlah yang dikatakan membawa petaka kepada keluarga tersebut..Akhirnya abah dibesarkan oleh sebuah kelurga berbangsa Sikh dan juga tinggal di rumah kebajikan untuk anak yatim piatu.

Abah bekerja sebagai penggembala lembu untuk keluarga Sikh tersebut ( Lawyer ) dan di masa lapang anak-anak Singh tersebut sanggup mengajar abah membaca dan menulis terutama dalam bahasa Inggeris..lama kelamaan abah amat mahir berbahasa Inggeris walaupun tidak bersekolah. Apabila meningkat dewasa abah diterima masuk menjadi anggota tentera dalam tentera British dan abah lebih cenderung kepada kor kejuruteraan dan membaiki peralatan pertahanan terutamanya senjata yang digunapakai oleh pasukan tentera....

Career abah ini juga telah membuatkan kami sering berpindah-randah dan abah terpaksa selalu menukar kereta kami kerana abah jarang 'masuk hutan ' sebagaimana anggota tentera yang lain ( sebulan hingga 3/4 bulan baru balik ), abah hanya perlu 'masuk hutan' apabila ada senjata yang rosak dan perlukan diperbaiki...abah akan masuk ke hutan dengan berpakaian 'orang biasa' (bukan dalam uniform askar ) kerana tidak mahu disyaki oleh anggota komunis yang abah adalah tentera yang bertanggungjawab membaiki senjata. So, kereta kami sering bertukar bagi menjamin keselamatan abah ketika keluar masuk hutan. Abah memang pakar dalam kemahiran membaiki sebarang peralatan ..apa sahaja dari radio transistor , seterika, peti ais hinggalah kepada membaiki kenderaan seperti motorsikal, kereta dan apa sahaja mesin yang berinjin..Itulah kepakaran abah.

Selain itu abah juga seorang artist yang telented. Abah pernah mengambil upah melukis potraits sahabat-sahabat abah yang mahu mengabdikan wajah mereka ...abah akan melukis dan memuatkan lukisan itu dalam frame yang dibuat sendiri..... Terlalu banyak kelebihan abah yang tidak mampu kami anak-anaknya mewarisi itu semua...

Abah juga minat kepada muzik dari muzik klasik sehinggalah lagu pop dan tidak lupa abah adalah seorang mengkagumi bakat luar biasa biduan negara Tan Sri P. Ramlee ( dulu I ada bagitau I tak minat P.Ramlee , I sorang je tak minat ). Abah pandai menari mengikut rentak lagu dari ballroom dance , cha cha sehinggalah joget Melayu . Oleh kerana I adalah anak perempuan bongsu( adik lelaki 5 tahun muda dari I ) , I lah yang selalu manja dengan abah.... abah sayang kan kami semua dan kasih sayang ayah terpancar sehingga ke akhir hayatnya.....

Penghujung Oktober 1995 kesihatan abah telah mula merosot...abah terpaksa dikejarkan ke GH Ipoh kerana sakit jantung abah menjadi-jadi ketika itu. UBat yang diletakkan di bawah lidah seperti tidak memberi kesan langsung...abah masih lagi sentiasa tersenyum...oleh kerana I pada masa itu telah berhenti bekerja dan menjadi seorang surirumah, dengan izin suami I tinggalkan anak-anak termasuk Izzat yang ketika itu berusia setahun setengah dalam jagaan sahabat -sahabat di Kemaman (siang suami bekerja ). I berulang-alik Ipoh-Kemaman untuk menemani abah di hospital dan berselang-seli dengan adik-beradik yang lain yang ada yang mengambil cuti tanpa gaji kerana cuti mereka telah habis digunakan. Kesihatan abah makin lama makin teruk. Urusan dibuat untuk membawa abah ke IJN bagi melakukan pembedahan 3 saluran darah yang tersumbat.

Akhirnya penghujung hulan November abah dibawa ke IJN dengan ambulan hospital dan abah mahu I saja yang mengiringinya di dalam ambulan tersebut selain Doktor pengiring. Abah kata jika ada apa-apa urusan senang Ina yang akan uruskan. Alhamdulillah layanan di IJN amat baik sekali dan tak lama kemudian abah dibedah oleah Datuk Dr. Yahya dan pasukannya dan pembedahan berjaya.

Seminggu dinanti untuk melihat abah sembuh tidak tercapai, abah masih lemah dan tidak bermaya dan kaki abah kelihatan sedikit hitam di bahagian jari-jemari...abah telah menghidap diabetes semenjak dari masih bujang tetapi abah sentiasa menjaga dan mengawal tahap diabetesnya setiap hari ( ada peralatan menguji air kencing diletakkan di dalam tandas di rumah ). Doktor mulai berbincang dengan kami dan akhirnya kami membawa abah semula ke Ipoh dan tiada jalan lain untuk menyelamatkan abah selain daripada kakinya terpaksa dipotong ke paras lutut kerana diabetes telah merebak dengan begitu cepat. Sekali lagi I iringi abah di dalam ambulan dan menanti dengan penuh tawakal atas apa sahaja yang bakal berlaku. Sebaik sahaja abah sedar dari pembedahan, abah mula mengerang kesakitan dan terpaksa mengereng ke kiri dan ke kanan dan ini menyebabkan jahitan pembedahan tempoh hari seakan terbuka... abah segera dibawa semula ke IJN dan terus dijahit semula jahitan yang terbuka ( I memang nampak isi yang merah dari celah-celah jahitan yang terbuka ).

Abah masih sedar dan sempat meminta kakak menyediakan makanan yang diingini termasuk karipap yang dimasak oleh kakak I yang sulung.

Entah macamana tiba-tiba abah sentiasa menggigil kesejukan dan suhu terus meningkat secara mendadak. Doktor kehairanan dan ujian dibuat dan didapati ada sejenis bakteria yang mula aktif memberi kesan negatif kepada paru-paru abah. Doktor tidak dapat mempastikan apakah jenis bakteria tersebut...antibiotik ditukar dan ditukar namun tiada yang menampakkna perubahan ke arah positif. Akhirnya doktor yang bertugas membawa berita sedih kepada kami bahawa abah hanya ada tempoh hayat paling maksimum seminggu sahaja... Atas budi bicara pihak IJN kami dibenarkan menunggu dalam bilik abah ( dulu IJN tidak membenarkan sesiapa walaupun ahli keluarga menemani pesakit walaupun ketika pesakit nazak, pengalaman bersama sahabat diIJN, ibu tunggal yang anak bujang tunggalnya (pelajar IPT )nazak dan akhirnya pergi buat selamanya tanpa ada sesiapa dibenarkan menemaninya disaat-saat akhir hayatnya.. kami menangis bersama , sayu dan pilu... )

Kami dikira bertuah diberi layanan istimewa. Mak, kak nOr dan I bergilir-gilir menemani abah yang ketika itu sudah tidak boleh bercakap.....hanya menanti masa pergi meninggalkan dunia ini. Sebelum itu semasa I menjaga abah di Ipoh , pernah abah berkata " kehidupan Ina laksana pohon yang rendang yang abah boleh berteduh di bawahnya ".. kata-kata yang penuh makna buat diri ini...

Pagi Jumaat 6 Jan 1996 abah pergi meninggalkan kami buat selama-lamanya... kedengaran hembusan nafas abah yang terakhir yang sebelumnya I sempat bisikkan kalimah Laailahaillallah ke telinga abah dan air mata abah menitis buat kali terakhir... i cium dahi abah dan i rasa semua bahagian badan abah yang masih lagi panas. Doktor datang ucpkan takziah kepada kami sekeluarga dan kami ucapkan jutaan terimakasih kepada para doktor, jururawat dan kakitangan IJN yang selama ini amat baik dengan kami merawat abah tanpa jemu.

Tiada air mata ketika itu kerana I perlu membuat urusan pengurusan membawa balik jenazah ke Ipoh. I called abang di Ipoh yang baru sahaja pulang dari IJN dan beritahu abah telah tiada dan abang akan uruskan semuanya di Ipoh. Dalam pada itu I uruskan penghapusan kad pengenalan dan mendapatkn sijil kematian dan dapatkan kereta jenazah untuk pulang ke Ipoh. Semua urusan berjalan lancar..I iringi jenazah abah buat kali terakhir bersama mak dalama kereta jenazah dengan juga iringan ayat-ayat suci alQuran yang dibaca dalam perjalanana...

Selesai semua urusan dan abah disemadikan akhirnya kembali ke tempat asalnya.....sayu...

Ketika malam menjelma ketika terbaring di sebelah suami yang tiba bersama anak-anak dari Kemaman siangnya,.... pilu dan sayu tidak tertahankan lagi... Berjuraian juga akhirnya airmata yang selama ini I tahankan bagi memberi semangat kepada mak agar usah bersedih hati atas apa yang berlaku... I tenangkan mak dengan mengatakan...sudah suratan takdir abah pergi jua... rawatan dan layanan first class yang diterima dan dibedah oleh doktor pakar yang ternama di IJN yang terkenal dengan segala rupa-bentuk peralatan tercanggih...namun kuasa Yang Maha Esa tiada siapa dapat mengatasinya...

Satu perjalanan hidup yang tidak mungkin dapat dilupakan sepanjang hayat... akhirnya abah pergi jua...Semoga bertemu di akhirat kelak, InsyaAllah.

Al Fatihah buat abah........ Amin.


Today I’d like to talk about the no1 toy for little girls…..DOLLS…

I remember when I was small, I had this one beautiful waist-height plastic doll which my father bought solely for me from Padang Besar( I am the youngest girl in my family ) It had a pair of beautiful blue eyes which could blink ..I forgot whether it had a name…….I stopped playing with it when I moved to Kuching and started my primary school there . The reason why I stopped playing ??? Not that I didn’t want to but as we were moving out from Melaka , we had a lot of stuff to pack and at that time I already had my little brother ( my youngest brother is 5 years younger than I am ), so my mom told me just to leave the doll ( it’s already ‘old’ with one hand missing )… so that was it…the end of my doll days !!

When my daughters , sofie and maya were little they would go out playing with their dolls ( suzana, fara, tasya, boboi…just to name a few of their dolls ) but they had no expensive and branded dolls like……BARBIE…… I couldn’t accept the idea of having a doll with a perfect figure and a perfect mode of life …. And it was way too expensive then… I could buy 5 no brand dolls instead of a Barbie….

Then came my little mimi…… she adores Barbie and even wants us to call her Barbie….

Barbie...looks so gorgeous.... is it for real ???

So who’s Barbie ???

Barbie was invented in 1959 by Ruth Handler (co-founder of Mattel), whose own daughter was called Barbara. Barbie was introduced to the world at the American Toy Fair in New York City. The doll was intended to be a teenage fashion doll. There has been some controversy over Barbie's figure when it realized that if Barbie was a real person her measurements would be an impossible 36-18-38.

Then after being in Amman for several weeks, I found out there’s another ‘Barbie’ sold here…it is Fulla…a famous branded doll look like barbie’s cousin…….

So who’s fulla????

Fulla in muslim outfits.... educate the reality of life.....

Fulla is the name of an 11 1/2 inch Barbie-like fashion doll marketed to children of Islamic and Middle-eastern countries as an alternative to Barbie. The concept of her evolved around 1999, and she hit stores in late 2003. Fulla was created by a Syrian manufacturer from Damascus, and a toy company called NewBoy Toys . Fulla is also sold in Chine, Brazil, North Africa and Egypt while few are sold in America. Although there had been many other dolls in the past that were created with a hijab, such as Razanne and Moroccan Barbie, none of them had ever been as popular as Fulla. Fulla is a role-model to some Muslim people, displaying how most Muslim people, particularly in Saudi Arabia, would prefer their daughters to dress and behave.

Now, when mimi wants a new doll/stationery set/bag/shoes/cap/colouring book/pencil colour set/ dvd movie , she’s a little confuse….which to buy..Barbie or Fulla brand… so, she ends up having a collection of both brands. Like Barbie, the original Fulla is also very costly…. So, watch out for Fulah, Fullah ( see the spelling !! )sold in the store and the price is just a little bit lower than the real FULLA.

During Christmas 06 Sale... see that fulah...JD15 = RM75.... it's a bargain coz it's not Fulla, it is fulah..... The dolls were sold out in a week..mimi wanted this fulah so much but I thought it looked rather scary..same height as mimi...luckily she then was a bit scared of those fulahs...

For me , a combination of FULLA and BARBIE are the inspirations of being good /sophisticated/pious/well-behave individuals for the little ones…..

Which one would you prefer…FULLA or BARBIE ???????????

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Historical Desert Castles

Winter 2006 vacation brought us to two (out of 7 ) historical desert castles found in Jordan…Qasr Harrana and Qasr Amra.

Qasr Harrana.

It is located 65km east of Amman and was built in the 7th century. It is the best-preserved Umayyad castle in Jordan and consists of 61 rooms arranged in two levels surrounded by a central courtyard.

The exterior walls are pierced by narrow openings for lighting and ventilation, not arrow slits as sometimes described. It was also recognized by the historians as the place where the Umayyad leaders held their meetings. Other studies claimed that this castle used to be the transit shelter for the traders coming from all over the arab land.

Originally, a small water tank stood in the middle of the courtyard to collect rain water from the rooftops.Additional water was obtained from seep-holes dug in the valley-bed.

Looking at this beautiful desert castle, I wonder how on earth they could build this ‘ look-like a fort’ castle right in the middle of the hot dry desert ( luckily we went there during winter….cold !! ) …

Standing on top of the Harrana Castle all I could see was miles and miles of dry and bare desert…… it’s such a peaceful moment indeed !!

Qasr Amra

This castle is just 20km from the Harrana Castle, noted for its extensive fresco paintings which cover almost all the interior surfaces. The paintings include themes such as hunting, dancing,musicians and bathing scenes. This unique paintings prompted the UNESCO to include Qasr Amra in its World Heritage list.

This castle consists of 3 main elements :

A rectangular audience-hall with a throne alcove in the middle of the south side.
A bath complex with the cold, warm and hot rooms .
The hydraulic structures including an elevated water-tank, a well and the equipment to drawing water from the well into the water tank.

This castle was not a residential in character , nor was it intended to be occupied over and extended period time. It is just a place to have warm and cosy bath in the middle of the desert.

So, next time when you visit Jordan, these desert castles are always there waiting for you……

Monday, May 28, 2007

Air Tangan Suami Juga Enak

I ambil petikan ini dari berita harian buat renungan bersama.....

Dr.Abu tidak kekok merintis tradisi lelaki masuk dapur memasak untuk seisi keluarga

SUDAH menjadi adat, wanita tempatnya di dapur. Bahkan adat itu tetap kukuh sedari dulu sehingga ke era globalisasi hari ini walaupun wanita sudah mencapai kemajuan setanding lelaki. Tidak kira berapa tinggi pangkat disandang wanita, tugas di rumah seperti memasak masih tetap dipikul wanita.

Si suami pula hanya tahu menunggu hidangan siap diatur di atas meja sambil sibuk menonton televisyen, membelek surat khabar atau berdengkur di sofa. Tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan boleh dibilang dengan jari suami yang sanggup membantu isteri di dapur.

Apatah lagi yang sanggup meringankan beban isteri, memasak dan menghidangkan makanan di atas meja sementara isteri pula berehat selepas pulang dari pejabat.

Bagaimanapun, Rozima Yahya, 35, amat bertuah kerana bersuamikan Dr Abu Razali Saini, 34, yang bukan saja ringan tulang membantunya membuat kerja di dapur tetapi handal memasak.
Beliau akui air tangan suaminya itu jarang sekali mengecewakan, malah mengalahkan keenakan masakan Rozima sendiri.

Dr Abu, anak keempat dalam keluarganya, mengakui tidak janggal apabila terpaksa ‘turun’ ke dapur walaupun sudah mendirikan rumah tangga. Dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang tidak pernah menetapkan hanya wanita saja ke dapur, Dr Abu berasa agak pelik apabila dilarang oleh Rozima untuk membantunya memasak.

“Mula-mula kahwin dulu, rasa janggal apabila tidak dibenarkan membantunya di dapur. Secara peribadi bagi saya, sepatutnya semua orang kena tahu memasak kerana ia adalah satu kemahiran ‘survival’. Tidak kira lelaki atau wanita. Soal sama ada tugas memasak harus dipikul bersama, itu terpulang kepada individu. Kalau si suami minat, apa salahnya.

“Memang daripada kecil kami lima beradik, empat lelaki dan seorang perempuan dilatih memasak. Bila mak ke dapur, kami ikut bantu. Malah ketika emak dan ayah ke Makkah, saya memasak untuk adik beradik lain. Justeru, tidak hairanlah kami anak lelaki semua pandai memasak termasuk kakak,” katanya.

Bapa dua anak ini mengakui tidak canggung ke dapur apabila ada kelapangan atau apabila Rozima keletihan sebaik pulang daripada bekerja. Gelaran profesional juga tidak menghalang Dr Abu menjalankan tanggungjawab yang jarang mahu dilakukan suami iaitu menjaga isteri di dalam pantang.

Malah, sewaktu Rozima dalam pantang selepas melahirkan anak sulung mereka, Muhammad I’rfan, Dr Abu menggunakan kemahiran memasaknya untuk menyediakan hidangan ibu lepas bersalin untuk isterinya itu.

“Ketika berpantang, saya terkejut apabila suami menghidangkan makanan untuk ibu dalam pantang seperti ikan kukus dengan lada hitam. Saya tanya dari mana dia belajar masakan itu sebab saya sendiri pun tidak tahu menyediakan hidangan untuk ibu lepas bersalin,” kata Rozima.

Beliau berkata, antara masakan Dr Abu yang sememangnya enak ialah asam pedas ikan tenggiri dan sardin goreng sambal. Asam pedas ikan tenggiri Dr Abu diakuinya memiliki ciri dan kriteria tersendiri yang tentunya berbeza dengan asam pedas lain.

“Resipi asam pedas saya pelajari daripada ibu, manakala sardin goreng sambal daripada ayah. Rahsia untuk mendapatkan asam pedas yang enak ialah dengan menggunakan belacan Banting yang berwarna hitam.

“Bagi saya kalau rajin bertanya dan minat belajar, kita boleh memasak apa saja. Ketika Rozima bersalin, saya ke pasar malam dan tanya seorang makcik apa yang perlu saya masak untuk ibu lepas bersalin. Bila balik, saya masaklah seperti yang dikatakannya,” katanya.

Bapa kepada dua anak itu berazam memastikan anaknya, Muhammad I’rfan, tujuh tahun dan Nur I’rdheena, tiga, dilatih untuk memasak. Baginya, memasak adalah satu pengalaman yang manis dan atas alasan itu, beliau mahu anaknya menikmati pengalaman berkenaan.

“Hari ini memasak bukanlah satu tugas yang sukar kerana dilengkapi pelbagai peralatan elektronik. Berbanding ketika saya kecil dulu, di kampung, terpaksa guna dapur kayu dan minyak tanah. Api perlu sentiasa dijaga agar tidak terlalu besar sehingga membuatkan masakan hangit,” katanya.

Begitu pun, Rozima akui, seperti kebanyakan lelaki lain apabila memasak dapur akan menjadi tunggang langgang dan suaminya tidak terkecuali.

“Apa yang tidak tahan, bila Dr Abu selesai memasak, dapur macam baru kena tsunami,” katanya sambil ketawa mengakhiri perbualan.


Berapa ramai agaknya isteri yang bertuah punya suami serajin Dr. Abu ????

Sunday, May 27, 2007


What a beautiful Sunday morning with only me alone in the house ( izzat and mimi started another new week of school, just 3 more weeks before summer holidays !! , zaid had to be somewhere backhome for a week...... )

Yesterday evening izzat had a chance to celebrate his 13th birthday with his arab friends (my neighbours' kids)....I just prepared some party goodies ... no cutting cake yesterday since izzat had cut the birthday cake on Friday morning ( a day earlier ) when we had our own family birthday party right before going to the airport to send Zaid flying home...


Bercakap pasal anak-anak , takkan terlepas daripada memperkatakan tentang nama... nama yang meletakkan identiti seseorang, kita kenali manusia dengan namanya....

The faraway doctor, k.d. had tagged me to write about the names of my 5 children... here it goes..

1. ZAID.......

First, I tak nak tau gender anak waktu pregnant..I siapkan 2 nama, a boy= zaid, a girl =Sumayyah.... so it turned up to be Zaid..... so that's it..we named our first child Zaid... yang membawa maksud kelebihan/mulia dan juga diambil daripada nama anak angkat Nabi saw, Zaid bin Harithah yang diasuh oleh rasulullah saw sehingga menjadi seorang pahlawan Islam dan akhirnya gugur syahid dalam peperangan Mu'tah ( ada makamnya di Mutah, tak jauh dari rumah zaid..)

Harapan I dengan memilih nama ini : punya kelebihan dalam diri ,gagah , berani dan teguh dan mengalir darah pahlawan sebagaimana darah pejuang Zaid bin Harithah....


I masih tak nak tau gender anak bila pregnant...if a boy= Luqman Hakim, a girl = Safiyyah (tak nak dah nama sumayyah kali ni )..... so , it was Safiyyah yang keluar..Safiyyah bermaksud suci/ best friend/serene/ untroubled dan juga merupakan isteri Nabi saw yang berbangsa Yahudi yang converted into Islam......

Harapan I agar nama ini menjadi motivasi safiyyah untuk mencapai apa yang dimaksudkan, sentiasa berhati suci dan setabah Safiyyah isteri Nabi...
( masa my darling and I pilih nama ni kami tak sedar yang my mertua punya nama yang sama (Sapiah ) bila balik malaysia ,bila orang kampung tau nama anak I safiyyah, ada makcik yang kata dalam loghat N9 (...." copek na ha dah ado pengganti Wan eeee..", wan=nenek ) .. "nak buek camno, dah namo tu yang den minat ... " I cakap dalam hati je...hehehe..


Kali ni I nak tau jantina baby, dan doktor dah 'confirmkan' it's gonna be a girl, so nama Sumayyah naik semula, tak de nama lain dah.. so ,Sumayyah dilahirkan dengan maksud namanya kebanggaan.... sejarah Islam sekali lagi menjadi sebab utama nama ni dipilih...sumayyah wanita pertama gugur syahid dalam mempertahan kan Iman dan Aqidah...beruntung lah sumayyah yang mengorbankan nyawanya demi Islam...

Harapan I semoga sumayyah kekal menjadi kebanggaan keluarga ( so far dia sentiasa menjadi kebanggaan keluarga ) dan seteguh iman sumayyah serta tabah hidup di perantauan dan tercapai cita-cita...


Anak ke 4 I tau dah apa jantina baby and tak de dah nama luqman hakim dan sebarang nama girl.... so, izzat is izzat..easy to call, tak payah nickname, panggil nama penuh je senang izzat..... bermaksud mulia/kelebihan sama maksud nama zaid.... just plain izzat...tiada sejarah namanya yang I kaji... i just wanted the boy to be Izzat...

Harapan I agar izzat terus dimuliakan dan gunakan kelebihan yang dikurniakan demi masa depan Islam dan kehidupan yang penuh mencabar kelak...


Kali ke 5 ni memang dah ' confirm' a girl.... so I picked Syamimi bermaksud Keharumanku.. nama ni dipilih sebab terasa 'manja' bila ianya dipanggil sebab syamimi hadir dalam hidup kami agak 'lambat' , 8 tahun gap and satu-satunya anak yang I mengandung dalam usia 30an... so she'd be a babydoll dalam family...... dan harumnya mimi akan menjadi buah hati kami seharian tak sah kalau tak di cium pipinya ( only yesterday mimi komplen ...kalau nak kiss tak payahlah kiss yang melekat tu,.chotttttttt , memang kalau kiss rasa nak sedut je pipi dia..heheh )

Harapan I agar mimi kekal menjadi my babydoll to light up my days but bukan jenis yang terlalu manja.....

So....lima anak, lima maksud tersurat dan tersirat....

Thank you k.d for tagging me sebab I pun rasa gembira dapat ingatkan semula kenapa I pilih nama anak-anak tersayang...

I cuma nak tag my friend in Shah Alam..nurrazah8 yang ada anak 8...hope she doesn't mind...

Happy Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

13 years of joy...... Alhamdulillah.

Izzat is now 13 years old....


Izzat is my 4th child, born after 5 years without a new baby in the house… he’s cute with fair complexion, brown hair, 2 big round eyes, thick eyebrows , quite big and not so sharp nose and most of all he didn’t cry a lot… easy to handle and care…..

Carrying him inside for almost 9 months…as usual… so much in pain….. morning/afternoon/evening/night/dawn sicks ..24/7… I was admittted twice to the hospital for being so weak…couldn’t move around, couldn’t smell almost all things including the smell of WATER..yes Water …from the pipe, bottle ,cup ..whatever containers…I would vomit at once…. Couldn’t stand the smell of food, detergent, perfume..seemed like my smelling sense was taken away from me…

My sight…all books, no sunlight …all I did was closing my eyes from morning till night…no talking to anybody…just a few words with Zaid, sofie and maya once in a while…pity them… having no helper…they ( aged 8,.7,.5 respectively ) helped a lot inside and outside the house, they ironed their school uniforms when my hubby had to be away, they bought their own breakfast and lunch …basically they did almost everything…

I remember I had my own plate and cup which couldn’t be washed using dish detergent since I couldn’t stand the smell…At one time my darling was away in Bintulu…before he left, he bought a pack of nasi lemak’ plastic when my kids and I ate any food..we just layered the plates with plastic. We didn’t have to wash the plates with detergent….finished eating…threw away the plastic…it really helped me from vomitting caused by smelling the soap…When I took my bath, I covered my nose with a handkerchief to avoid smelling the soap…my darling was the one who washed my hair… I sat down on a chair..he would scrubbed and applied some shampoo ( could only use Sebamed brand since is has least odour ) while I pinched and covered my nose ….well hair needed to be washed…thank you darling….

One night I was furious when my darling came back from the surau with the smell of ‘minyak atar’/perfume which was my number 1 enemy(threw up there and then )… He knew that I couldn’t stand the smell….I was really mad at him..coming into the house with that killing smell…( I liked the smell before !! )…Pity him…he apologized and he explained that there’s a man in the surau who went on spraying his perfume to all the men there including my darling ( even though he didn’t wear any perfume, he still smelt okay…. My darling is never a ‘busuk’ type one lah )…

Back to Izzat ( I didn’t realized…I write more about my pregnancy than the birthday boy…well, he was inside he’s the one that ‘changed ‘ me/my life afterall… .hahahaha )

Izzat was born almost at noon, 26th may 1994 at the Family Clinic Kuantan……. He’s been a healthy and smart boy ….I had mentioned before in one of my previous entries .. I had the idea of having a home schooling project for him since I sensed that he could be a genius boy.. He could remember what I taught in just a few minutes.... So, I sent him to 3 different teachers when he was approaching the age of 3..for his Bahasa Melayu, English (smart learning course ) and Qiraati….I only taught him Maths at home… He could read BM, English and Quran by the age of 3+ and at 5 he khatam (finished ) reading the Quran…for Maths…he could do the division of numbers up to any limit…( even millions )… at the age of 4.

At 5 while other kids were at kindergarten, izzat was always with me….not much to do..just sending him to his 3 tuition classes …..

One day I passed thru a kindergarten…I saw izzat’s face and he looked so excited seeing the kids running and playing outside that pre-school…. Then , I asked him …

” Do you want to go to school ? “

He nodded…..I felt so guilty at that moment…..I realized if I went on with my home schooling project, he could be a genius but he would have no social friends to play…he would be a robot....

I went backhome and discussed the matter with my hubyy..and a few days after we went to a pre-school nearby… However, izzat didn’t want to go to that school… He wanted to go the school that he saw the other day…. I brought him there and had him registered there and GONE WAS MY HOME SCHOOLING PROJECT……Izzat started his normal school life…. Since then he always scored top in class and just recently, he got no 1 here in his school in Amman where all lessons are taught in Arabic except for the English language subject… He shared the top scorer with a palestinian boy.. both of them scored 19.4 / 19.5 ~ 100% almost a perfect score , Alhamdulillah… He' s eyeing to go to Manchester ( 2 in 1 and soccer ) to do his undergraduate in 'somekind' of engineering (has yet to decide ), InsyaAllah.

I guess I’m very much blessed having him as my son, he’s a smart, sportive and active..not a nerd…book-worm type….he's now the top striker (soccer) at his school... he’s charming and handsome ( jangan perasan ) and he’s my best companion now(having him around all the time )…still a bit ‘manja’ type and always ‘walking with his pillow and blanket and squeezing his body to sleep next to mimi and me when my hubby is not around…’

That’s my charming birthday boy…. But with one MAIN weakness…always have to tell/order him to take his bath…. ( I think it came from me when I was pregnant ( Izzat ), I forced myself to bathe..just because of the smell of the soap that could make me ‘die’….. )



Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Suatu Hari di Muzium Tradisi Jordan

Cuaca cerah dan indah, masih belum begitu panas,masih agak nyaman dengan masih ada angin yang bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa.......
Hari ini mari kita melawat dua buah muzium yang ada di dalam kawasan Rome theatre , Amman...Jordan Museum of Popular Traditions dan Folklore Museum... I kurang berminat dengan muzium tetapi ini adalah cara terbaik mengenali sejarah dan budaya bangsa arab secara umumnya.....

Gambar-gambar di dalam Jordan Museum of Popular Traditions dan Jordan Folklore Museum..... enjoy !!

peralatan membuat kopi secara tradisi

dulang hidangan 'mansaf' ...makanan tradisi arab jordan

pakaian tradisi pasangan pengantin arab secara umum...

pakaian tradisi wanita dari Jerusalem

pakaian tradisi wanita dari Bethlehem

pakaian tradisi penjual 'syai' (tea )

aktiviti tradisi kaum wanita di rumah

antara aktiviti tradisi kaum lelaki

Sememangnya budaya sesuatu bangsa banyak berubah mengikut arus pembangunan setempat....

Sejauh mana kita semua mengetahui budaya bangsa sendiri ????????????

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Gosh…what a nice day…I’ve done all the hunky-punky household stuff….vecuuminig the carpet, cooking for lunch for the 2 kids who had to leave the house early in the morning as their daily routines….5x a week…. Washing clothes??? Nope…not the days yet….Mondays and Thurdays only ( remember ??Water comes twice a week ! )… All had been done early in the morning… Any particular reason ???.....

It’s the girls’ outing today…. in the middle of the week?? Yeap… my girls Putri and Sheila are free today…Sheila has no class ( she’s doing her MA at U of Jordan ) and Putri has her English course in the evening… I have planned to have a lunch date with them for quite sometime but only yesterday that I managed to set the today is D-day… nothing much actually…planned to window shopping at Mecca Mall and then have Chinese food for lunch..Sheila is going home for summer holidays early June and if I happen to go back home for good, this outing will be our last event to be together…InsyaAllah.


In my previous entry I wrote how I was so much in need of a HUGGGsss from my lover when I got into trouble….. I’ll tell you another incident where I was also very much in need of my hubby to be with me and the family but it’s a bit different…I didn’t need a HUG but ……..

A few years back…monsoon season in the east coast…my hubby was away somewhere in the south east asia region…..

One fine day turned out to be the day that started all the messy part of our neighbourhood and our life (me and my kids; sumayah, izat and mimi..nilah yang selalu ada, zaid and safiyyah were already abroad ) …

That evening, I saw a few boys coming into our neighbourhood on their motorbikes and then I heard the sound of the bikes were somewhat different…it’s like they were waving thru somekind of water splashing… I just ignored it…then my phone rang… my friend called me and asked me…

“ Raja “, opss… now you know my first name..yesss..I’m Raja Sarinah….

“ Eh rumah you dah banjir je ?? “, she asked in a very anxious note .

“ Ha, banjir ?? Tak delah, tak tau lah pulak…., kejap I tengok , “ I replied…

In my calculation my house would the first to be hit by flood because mine is the nearest to the main road and a very big drain that leads to a river no so far away….

Then when I looked outside…remember that I heard the motorbikes were like splashing water … the road was already flooded….many people had gone to play and had some fun with the water…( i I duduk dalam rumah tak sedar apa-apa , pelik )
“ Eh, betullah you, dah banjir lah, hai kena siap rumah lah macam ni“ I went to the phone back telling my friend about it.

“Okay you..if you need any help just let me know..”, she offered her assistance and hang up.

I didn’t expect it would be flooded since there’s no rain for the past three days… that was the third time that our place got flooded in the monsoon season since we bought the house several years ago…the flood was caused by the ‘extra’ construction of some terrace houses by a developer….

We ( sumayyah, izat and I ) began to clear the house to minimize any damage if it’s to happen… The surau AJK came to help us…they removed our cars to the safer place, they even offered to help around the house but I declined their help since I was still able to do it myself…. Only after I was sure everything was okay …we brought our document case and off we went to stay at my friend’s house in Kerteh ( I chose the one in Kerteh since they are my friends since years ago and they have a very big house and I chose to live in a room which was ‘way’ to far from the living room so as not to disturb the hubby and kids… My hubby was also in the very much favour of the house I picked .. thanks to so many generous people who offered me lodging and shelter )..The last time we had flood, we stayed at the hotel ,but this time with mimi and Izat…I’d better live with somebody since we had to deal with a lot of things later….

The next day….. I wanted to see and check my house… Sumayyah and I ( I left izat and mimi ) headed back to kemaman and the housing area was still ‘floating’… I didn’t thighs )… there’re a few boats out there…..we had to walk for almost a km to get to our house….it’s very tiring walking in the flood…. It’s very painful on my thighs…

At last, we reached our house…. I saw quite a lot our stuff behing our house were ‘swimming’ around the house ..the fence as the border….if not …way to go my benda-benda tu …

Need to get inside the house…the water outside was up to just a little bit above my knees… We peeped thru the curtains which were pulled up the night before ( that’s what we were advised to do… leave the house with the curtains tied and pulled up so that you could see what’s inside the house…) there were cases where robbers came and stole away all the stuff inside and left the house empty during flood with curtains shut)….

I saw the water inside was somewhat below my knee…. We had to wait for the water to subside coz that’s the time we had to really sweep the water and the mud before it got stucked on the floor and walls….

We opened the door by sumayyah’s taekwando kick ( Nampak ladylike tapi boleh tahan jugak her kick) since the door was stucked ) …The house was a mess…

Then… the water started to subside…. With all our strength we swept the muddy water and had to borrow a waterpump to suck all water out…

While I was busy pumping the water, suddenly I heard sumayyah screamed …

“ AAAAAAAAAAAAAA, MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!, “ and she was jumping like crazy….

I was panicked….

“ULARRRRRRRRRR, “ she shouted so loudly….

“ MANAAAAAAAAAAAA ??? I shouted even louder …ular is my no 1 fear ( j.t. you know mine…tell me urs okay !! )

Snakes is our no 1 enemy… what to do ??????

They were actually the baby snakes but for me snakes are snakes.. I’m terribly SCARED…

To my surprise, I was as brave as a pro-snakes –killer…sumayyah was the pro too …I killed 5 baby snakes and sumayyah killed two…how we did it ???? We used a cement bricks and crashed the snakes with it, but we had to scoop the snakes with izzat’s fishing net since the snakes were swimming like crazy in the water…. We were …auuuwwww, eeeiiiiiiiiii, yeakkkkkkk, gelinyaaaaaaaaa, mamaaaaaaaaaaaaa, mayaaaaaaaaaaa… until all the snakes were dead…

That day would surely be in my own guiness world of record…Raja Sarinah killed 5 baby-snakes in 10 minutes….

Looking at all the mess inside and outside the house, I was so exhausted and felt like going somewhere and let go the messy house… I called my darling…

“ Bang, I baru jadi pembunuh ular…eeiiiii gelinyaaaaaaaa, bang you tak boleh balik ke, I tak larat nak kemas…teruk sangat…tolonglah baik, kemas rumah… “ I begged him to come back but this time I wasn’t in need of a HUG… I needed…

TWO EXTRA HELPING HANDS from my lover….. help from other people seemed not the same as from my hubby….

:” Tak pe you buatlah sikit-sikit, kemas je apa yang larat , I memang impossible boleh balik….. “….

At that time I already knew the answer he would give….but just in case he COULD COME BACK…

Well again he COULD NOT come back…..

I didn’t cry but was a bit disappointed coz it’s the hardest moment in my life and there’s no darling to lend his hands…

We were back to our house after 4 days but I was so cautious and always alert of any single creature ‘roaming’ inside my house…..too scared of snakes that I dreamed about that creature for several nights….

So …..from that moment I knew, it’s not only a HUG could be a comfort, but the PHYSICAL ENERGETIC HELPFUL HANDS of my lover is also the no 1 comfort….

Have a nice day with your darlings out there……

Monday, May 21, 2007


Ramai orang tertanya-tanya bagaimana I tabah hidup tanpa suami di sisi, bukannya janda bukannya ibu tunggal tetapi isteri yang terpaksa ditinggalkan demi mencari rezeki di bumi asing yang tidak mungkin dapat tinggal bersama ( my darling works with an oil company on an island in uae and the island is accessible only to the employees who can only fly in and out of the island on designated dates … )

I am totally a liar if I say I’m always running my daily life smooth as silk because I’m a super mom and wife….. I’m still trying to cope with my family so as to ‘make’ it happy and always fill with joy … Having a darling who involves in this ‘oily’ and ‘gassy’ business is not an easy life…It’s been sometime now that I’ve been away from my darling might it be abroad or homeland….

Alhamdulillah , I’m very much blessed with a peaceful and wonderful life so far.. my kids are okay and me, well sometimes I do feel lonely not having my darling around, but most of the time I’m fine.

I’m not gonna write on how strong I am living apart …I just cannot forget 2 major incidents that I wish my darling was there ………

End of 2004….school holidays….my hubby was attached to a gas company southern part of Vietnam….

Incident 1.

That night on my way back home after sending Sumayyah for her tuition class and on that particular night our surau had a BBQ night, so Izzat didn’t come with me to the tuition centre ( usually I brought izzat as my co-pilot since I couldn’t really drive at night ) I was only with mimi.

When I came to a junction not far from the tuition centre, I looked to the left. Then to the right and to the left again ( I’m a mommy driver with a toddler in my car …extra careful ) , I then turned right……


In a split seconds I saw somekind of a coconut banged on my front shield’s not a coconut, it’s a man’s head and the head ‘cracked’ my car… He was on his motorbike with no lights and no helmet and it was a kampong street ( kemaman is a kampong )…

People started to gather to see what’s going on..I got out of my car and I said…

.” Saya tak nampak, dia tak de lampu, maaf , saya memang tak nampak langsung… “ I tried to justify myself….

I saw the man was lying on the road with pool of blood all over his body….then I heard this man said to me….

“ Tak pe , akak balik dulu, nanti buat polis report….kami bawak dia ke hospital …”

I was actually so scared to still be standing there because there was an accident happened before in the same kampong where my friend (makcik like me ) knocked down a boy….she was punched on her face right there and then….I didn’t know who was the man telling me to just go away from the scene,.. I headed backhome and went straight to the surau where all the AJK were busy with the BBQ… they saw me coming with my front car light / mirror broken and smacked a little….

I was shivering and was so scared …only Allah knew how fast my heart beat that night told them what happened…. Alhamdulillah they were very much helpful and they settled the case with the police and even went to the hospital to see what happened to the man…he was in a coma….later that night all the pakciks surau asked me not to go out for a while nd they would help me with whatever condition it might be later….

I was in a state of being a ‘bingong’ mind for three days…I kept seeing the head smashed in front of my eyes, I kept on ‘listening’ to people coming to my house looking for the murderer, I was totally insane at that time…..luckily the man did not die…he was conciouss the next day and his family brought him back to his kampong(he wasn’t from kemaman )…he didn’t lodge a police report ( the police went to the scene right after I lodge the report, but it was clear, no blood, no motorbike on the road )smebody told me the motorbike had no roadtax and the rider had no license…basically case closed….

I was still scared, I didn’t park my car in my porch …afraid that the villagers came to smack me down….I was terribly scared for three days… I called my hubby and asked him to come back…

“ Abang, baliklah bang, I takut sangat, I tak boleh apa-apa, I memang benar-benar takut, please abang , baliklah… “ that’s how desperate I was begging him to come back…

“ Mana boleh balik, ni betul-betul tngah shut-down …..takpe abang dah mintak AJK surau bantu you, don’t worry, “… my hubby pengerusi surau dekat kawasan rumah kami…he just couldn’t come back..just couldn’t.

Only Allah knew how much I wished my darling was there …I was really in need of the biggest comfort ever…

A HUG…yes..A HUG from my lover to comfort me ( I’m sobbing while writing this !! )

I didn’t want any other than that….. I couldn’t control myself Icried and cried and I didn’t do anything for three days…( sumayah and izat took care of everything inside the house, they looked so sad seeing my sorrow condition )…

I prayed to GOD to please give back my strength, my determination, my cheerfulness…My friends came to comfort me and a few even brought ‘air penawar’ away from Kerteh just to rebuild my ‘spirit’…

Out of no where…on the fourth day…after I performed my subh prayer…I was all brave again… I got this in mind…

“ Why must I be afraid of them ( the orang kampong ).. because they are the ones who should be blamed. He rode his bike with no license, no lights, no road-tax… I am the one who should ask them to pay for the damage they had done to my car ( cost me RM3000) “….

Then the strength came little by little… by the following week I was back on the road but still couldn’t take ‘that’ road… not until more than a month I was totally out of of my night mare…..

Incident 2…. To be continued….

So, I hope no more compliment after this….. I’m an ordinary woman with an ordinary strength…

Oh boy…… Then only I knew how much A HUGGGGGGGGGGGG meant to me….

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Nice weather with beautiful green hills all around..I love this part of the year , still not so hot and windy a little bit….Indah ciptaan Ilahi.

Tiga hari lepas bila tukang sapu kawasan perumahan tempat I tinggal sedang menjalankan tugas seperti biasa ( di sini majlis bandaraya amat menjaga kebersihan, adakalanya jam 11 malam ada yang masih lagi bekerja menyapu kawasan sekeliling. )…. Kawan Izzat, Maein bertanya kepada pakcik janitor yang bekerja , berapa gaji bulanan yang diperolehi dari kerja menyapu…jawapannya JD2 sehari, benar …JD2 = RM10 sehari….

Terkejut I bila diberitahu itulah gaji yang didapati dari kerja menyapu beliau…Maein tanya lagi…apa yang pakcik buat dengan duit gaji sebanyak tu ???
Dia menjawab… cukup untuk pakcik beli rokok sebulan……

I terbayang bagaimana boleh that janitor survive hidup di Amman dengan gaji sebanyak itu…I mengandaikan dia pasti ada 2/3 pekerjaan lain…. Atau memang betul yang dikatakan …hanya cukup membeli roti..2 keping roti=JD0.05 x 2 kali makan = JD0.10 =RM0.50…air kosong…entahlah , itulah my calculation….rumah mungkin percuma jika tinggal dengan family(parents )….

Cakap pasal kerja , teringat pekerjan pertama yang I lakukan adalah semasa menunggu keputusan SPM …lama dulu…

Masih ingat lagi sewaktu tu I telah mula belajar shorthand/trengkas + typing di Medan Kidd , Ipoh …tapi rasa boring pulak…so I told my parents I nak kerja . Tak de yang menentang, cari pengalaman…

I pergi interview di sebuah restoran makanan segera di tengah Bandar Ipoh berdekatan panggung wayang ( I tak ingat nama apa !! ), berhadapan dengan KFC dan dekat dengan A&W. This restaurant namanya First Fried Chicken…. Terus diterima bekerja dengan gaji RM5 sehari….tolak EPF….kiralah sendiri berapa gaji I sebulan…..

Kerja ni ada 2 shifts…1 shift ada 4 orang waitresses, 1 dispenser, 1 cashier.. 4 dari kami adalah pelajar yang sedang tunggu SPM, semuanya Chinese kecuali I…Boss I Mr. and Mrs L….. Mr L baik dan pendiam, auntie L..cerewet sedikit tapi memang baik hati….kalau kerja shift pagi I akan mula bekerja 9am dan restaurant dibuka jam 10am…So sejam pertama adalah untuk mengemop lantai, set the tables, susun kerusi , lap cermin tingkap dan pintu dan akhirnya berdiri menanti pelanggan datang..part ni yang paling menyiksakan..berdiri 8jam tanpa boleh bersembang sesama sendiri…kalau ramai pelanggan seronok sebab dapat banyak bergerak, ambik order, hidang, kemaskan semula dan selalunya dapat tips dengan pembelian tisu basah oleh pelanggan…wang jualan tisu dikumpul dan akhir bulan dikira dan dibahagi sama-rata kepada semua pekerja….

Pernah 2x I jatuh tergelincir semasa ingin set tables dengan garfu , sudu dan pisau berterabur atas lantai dek kerana kasut badminton master yang I pakai telah kehabisan ‘bunga’ dan licin akibat lantai masih basah ketana baru dimop… uniform kerja adalah kemeja putih berlengan pendek, skirt warna light brown dan kasut kanvas dan stokin putih...Masa I jatuh boss hanya menggelengkan kepala tanpa berkata apa-apa…nasib baik tak cedera…kena kutip dan lap kan semua cutlery tu semula….

Bila shift malam , Boss sediakan asrama buat pekerja semua sebab cuma I dan sorang lagi waitress yang tinggal di Ipoh, yang lain datang dari jauh seperti Tronoh, Parit yang menyebabkan mereka terpaksa tinggal di asrama yang disediakan secara percuma. I Cuma kena pulang ke rumah sebelah pagi dan datang semula sebelah petang Seronok berkawan dengan Ah Moi- ah Moi yang lain kerana sebaya umur dan mereka baik…adakalanya selepas habis bekerja dalam jam 12.30 / 1.00 pagi kami akan keluar ..I Cuma temankan mereka keluar makan supper di tengah Bandar Ipoh… auntie selalunya meyuruh anak saudara lelakinya yang bertugas sebagai chef untuk menjadi bodyguarad kami. Auntie memang amat menjaga keselamatan kami semua….selalunya bila temankan mereka makan , ada sahaja pakcik Cina yang tegur I dengan berbahasa China … agaknya mereka hairan apa yang I buat keluar sama gadis-gadis cina di tengah malam..tentulah I tak ( pandai cakap bahasa cina.

Selain keluar makan-makan tengah malam, kadangkala kami jadi pengintip maksiat… asrama kami di tingkat paling atas dan ada tingkap-tingkap kecil yang membolehkan kami mengintai apa yang berlaku di seberang jalan. Selalu jugak kami jadi spy ….kami lihat bila menjelang jam 1-2 pagi beberapa buah kereta datang ‘menjemput’ gadis-gadis melayu yang berpakaian sexy ( memang jelas di bawah lampu samar-samar di parking lot ) dari Kg Jawa ( taktau ujudkah lagi kampong ni ), kami yang semuanya masih ‘budak-budak’ berbisik-bisik ( cakap kuat nanti auntie dengar sebab dia tinggal di tingkat 2) dan mengutuk perempuan-perempuan yang jadi kupu-kupu malam.Pelanggan-pelanggan perempuan ni hampir kesemuanya melayu.

Selang 2 kedai dari restoran yang I kerja ada sebuah coffee shop yang selalu jugak order fried chicken dan fried noodle dari restoran kami. I paling tak suka kalu kena hantar pesanan ke coffee house tu….. sebabnya.….???

Masuk saja ke coffee house tu, penuh asap rokok dan lagu yang dipasang selalunya lagu yang romantic…ada kakak melayu yang bekerja sebagai waitresses…hidang arak dan bergesel-gesel dengan pelanggan lelaki. Selalunya I akan hantar pesanan dan cepat-cepat dapatkan bayaran dan terus keluar dari situ secepat mungkin. Selalunya memang ada ‘ulat bulu’ yang cuba nak mengada-ngada…pelanggan yang ramai mabuk di situ adalah pakcik melayu dan cina….

I sempat bekerja di First Fried Chicken selama 2 bulan dan sempat dapat angpow tahun baru cina berjumlah RM30 dari boss. Pengalaman semasa bekerja memang takkan dilupa sampai bila-bila kerana itulah my first paid job yang I usahakan walaupun gajinya tak seberapa tapi I dapat mengerti nilai sebuah pekerjaan dan persahabatan.

Sebelum terbang ke USA menyambung pelajaran dengan biasiswa JPA , I sempat ucapkan thank you and goodbye pada auntie dan boss serta kawan-kawan yang masih ada di sana, sorang dapat masuk UTM, 2 orang lagi sambung Tingkatan 6, sorang chef ( bukan anak saudara auntie ) hijrah ke San Francisco dn buka restoran di sana. Boss dan auntie ucapkan thank you dan good luck kembali pada I dan itulah pertemuan terakhir kerana setelah itu I tidak punya kesempatan untuk meninjau dan bertemu mereka lagi , tak pasti restoran tu masih beroperasi lagi kerana agak payah untuk ianya berkembang maju kerana saingan yang besar dengan KFC yang terletak setentang dengan restoran First Fried Chicken ni….

Thursday, May 17, 2007


LIfe is back to normal, Alhamdulillah.... here I am sitting in front of the screen....only mimi is by my side...izzat had gone to the national stadium in the sport city amman to watch final arab league soccer match between jordan's al faisoli club vs a club from Algeria. He went with his arab friend, Muhammad. I let him go coz he's been talking about the match for the whole week. well he's a soccer fan. Zaid had gone to sweileh for a meeting on his tour trip with malaysian students to Turkey next month.......

It's been a cool and breezy week not like last week , hot scorching sunny days. This week is a bit cold with rain almost every night.

Last Saturday we hired a taxi to go to the jordan/Israel/Palestine border..mainly to the King Hussein Bridge which is 35 km from Amman. The Bridge is the main entrance to get into palestine but one must go thru Israel before reaching the Palestinian land. We reached a town called Syawnah, the border town.

Then we had to go thru police check point...but we weren't allowed to pass thru and get to the bridge . The policeman asked us where we were going....zaid said just to get to the bridge and have a glance of what's on the other side ( israel )... the answer is NO, you can't get to the bridge unless you are going to Israel.....

There's another car in front of us and that car was also ordered to return to 'jordan' soil..... We weren't planning to go to palestine ( not advisable )..we just wanted to take some pictures of the border and see the significant border bridge and israel .

So, that was it..... our journey to see the king hussein bridge and israel before our eyes got us no where..... frustrated.... well for our own safety !!!!

Then we went to have lunch at an Indian restaurant on madinah street..... the food was quite delicious..chicken and fish curry of course...yummy.... mimi had chicken noodle..also very tasty.

Right after the meal, Zaid invited me to go to the Kempinski Hotel where he would play bowling with izzat and two other friends from Mu'tah. The reason he invited me along was to get me online at the hotel internet cafe. He knew I was going crazy with no internet connection at home for more than a week.

He said " nanti makcik cyber jadi tak tentu arah bila tak de internet..." hahahahahahahaha. Bet he's right.... I couldn't even concentrate doing my household chores.. so weird.......

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Masih belum terlambat nak ucapkan selamat hari guru buat semua guru yang tidak kenal jemu mendidik dan mengajar walau di mana saja....


Masih teringat semasa masih menjdi guru, setiap kali hari guru tak pernah kosong meja guru, penuh dengan pelbagai hadiah yang diberi sebagai tanda terimakasih anak murid buat guru mereka.

Semasa masih dibangku sekolah setiap kali hari guru , I selalunya menjadi pengarah hari guru dan tidak pernah sekali lupa memberi hadiah buat guru tersayang dan tak pernah ketinggalan mengambil bahagian semasa perayaan hari guru... menyanyi, menari, bermain( sekolah all girls memang seronok, kami bebas buat apa sahaja, guru lelaki cuma 2 orang, ustaz dan guru sains ( tak de yang megajar I waktu tu ).

I can't remember how many teachers have taught me since kindergarten in Melaka , std 1&2 in Kuching, std3&4 in PD, std 5&6 in KK, std 6 in Ipoh , form 1-5 in Ipoh, english course in ICLS, DC, B Sc. in AU , DC , Dip Ed. IIUM, MY , Dip. Islamic World, KT and other cikgu and ustaz ....

What can I say..I just remember a few names..most of them yang taught me during my secondary schools...cikgu Maimunah ( my form /biology teacher, cikgu marsiah( adored her so much, she's arwah now ), Cik azizun ( my favourite history teacher , so cute and ladylike ), Mrs Robeahtun ( a nice HM, I was the head prefect , so I was so close to her ), puan Lau( PE teacher, I never liked her, mean and 'cruel' ), Mrs Silvarani , my Add Maths teacher, so sweet in her sari and high pitch voice, always held the chalk with tissue paper and my ustazah Aisyah, not so nice, so sarcastic towards me who liked wearing skirt to school..... well ... I love them so much and when I myself involved in education, I know it's not easy to please every single students at school.....

Guru tanpa jemu mendidik , mengajar, menegur ...tiada sekelumit rasa benci pada anak didik....betapa suci tugas guru.....

Buat semua guru di luar sana.... anggaplah tugas ini suatu amanah yang mendapat ganjaran yang amat besar dari ALLAH swt.




Finally….selepas 2 minggu I’m back into cyberspace using my own PC with my very own internet line ……

Amat panjang ceritanya …..bermula dari MONEY sampailah ke STRIKE…..

My perasaan ??????

Terkejut bila line tiba-tiba ‘hilang’ dari PC screen…
Terus suruh Zaid cek bil di Betelco ( internet co )…line okay je, but zaid bayar juga bil apa yang belum dibayar….

Waiting and waiting for the line to be connected……3 days still no signal…

I called betelco …. She double checked my line…all okay…. Dia bagitau bukan problem betelco but with etisalat al urduniah…Jordan telekom….

I called Jordan telekom…. Dia bagi tau my line was disconnected because of “MONEY”…itu yang dia sebut…bukan bill but MONEY…I ada hutang tak bayar dengan telekom….. rupanya ada bil ADSL yang I memang ada hutang.,.telefon line bil lain, ADSL(internet) bil lain dan betelco (internet company ) bil lain….

Zaid pulak busy seminggu jadi translator sambilan untuk delegasi perdagangan dan pelaburan (MATRADE) dari Malaysia ke EXPO Rebuild Iraq yang diadakan di Sand Dunes Club, Amman….. so I terpaksa diamkan diri buat beberapa hari nak pergi pejabat Jordan telekom taktau…..nak ke CC bukan my type…never…

Akhirnya I dapat tau kat mana pejabatnya terus I sendiri ke Jordan telekom dan bereskan hutang MONEY yang dikatakan penyebab my internet line dipotong….

Lepas bayar terus staff dia kata line will be connected immediately…. Balik rumah terus tunggu internet line ….hampa dan hampa…I terus called hotline…tanya kenapa my line masih tiada….staff dia janji within 24 hours I’d get my line back…

The next day was Friday…. I call hot-line.. bagitau my line masih tiada…. Staff dia kata it’s weekend …so by Saturday ada line…

I kata….” I really hope so..”…

Dia kata pulak….” Yes I’m sure your line will be okay by tomorrow.”

Saturday….noon….still no line….I called back….dia janji akan ada line dan supervisor nya janji akan call me back….sampai esok tiada berita….

Sunday I called lagi… dia janji lagi dalam masa 24jam line akan okay…. Kali ni dia kata sebab ada …” big problem with internet cable…” Nada I dah mula keluar kata yang kurang manis…
.” I don’t trust you…” …
” Is this how you jordanians do your job?? “….
“ First you told me it’s because of MONEY, and now…cable…”

Monday still no line…I called…he made another ‘24hours’ promise again and this time dia kata “we are facing a very big problem with our DIGITAL MAINFRAME “, dan akan look into my problem again….

Tuesday morning still no sign of me having my internet line being connected…. I made another call….. sweet voice was there( they have so many staff…)…She asked me again what my problem was ….and guess what?????

She said my internet will be connected in 2/3 hours because the employees who were on STRIKE for two days had resumed their work this morning…..

“What ???? Is this somekind of joke ??? “ I dah panas betul…..

“ No Madam, this is not a joke….I promise you ,you’ll get back your line within 3 hours today….”

“ Hahaha … another promise… I don’t trust you guys..first you told me because of MONEY, then cable, and then digital mainframe…and finally…. You are telling me all this problem is because of a STRIKE by your employees….”…Cuma I tak keluar perkataan S*U*ID je…. Geram , Panas, rasa diperbodohkan….

Nak jadikan tambah geram lagi….janji 3 jam hanya janji kosong lagi… I called lebih 3 kali selepas that 3 jam..dan jam 5.30pm this one guy janji within 10 minutes I was sure to get my line back….yeye… nak dapat dah line balik….

Hampa lagi… setelah sejam masih tiada apa-apa yang berlaku..masih tiada line….

I called at 6.30pm….. kali ni dah tiada janji dan that staff pulak yang puzzled kenapa my line masih belum disambung…kali ni I memang ‘ ngamuk’ habis dan teruk jugak dia ni kena marah……dia cool je…sebelum hang up I mintak maaf sebab terpaksa marahkan dia sedangkan dia hanya boleh ambik komplen dan yang akan meng ‘on’ kan my line bukan dia…kesian pulak…bila akhirnya dia kata maximum 24 hours line akan disambung… I dah tak percaya lagi dan I sempat kata… “ your 24 hours could be 1 week or 2 weeks or never….. “

Wednesday morning….masih tak bekelip-kelip pun my adsl line…..I called back, a guy promised me the line would be okay in 2 haours….after 2 hours still no line..I called back and urged him to connect my line there and then….and….
Here I am with my internet line is already back….

Sebelum ni I jarang rasa Jordanians ni jenis ‘tak boleh diharap’….but now..dah mula sedikit ‘menyampah’….. zaid biasa je sebab dah biasa..dia ada kata mama tengoklah, 24 jam mungkin jadi seminggu sebab dia pernah buat kad bank… janji 24hours …2 minggu baru siap sampai dia called pegawai bank di ibu pejabat sendiri baru dapat kad tersebut…..

Taktau apa sebenarnya masalah utama menyebabkan line internet I dipotong…mungkin tak de kena mengena dengan MONEY , mungkin juga ya….mungkin juga cable… mungkin juga digital mainframe…mungkin yang paling tepat disebabkan STRIKE or mungkin M*L*S……Only GOD knows……..

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I'm so touched.......

Alhamdulillah , I'm finally back in the cyber world after being denied to get thru my blogsphere for more than 10 days.

What a touching feeling when I opened my blog 2 minutes ago ....... now only I know there are many bloggers out there who are really my truly and caring companions.Praise be to ALLAH.

It's a longggggg story behind my absence..I'd been somewhere, somehow ''out'' there without having no time out to be in the cyber space.... I would rather keep the ''out'' land to myself.... ( I'll be going home for good by end of the year, InsyaAllah ).....then my ADSL cable connection was out for more than a week....actually it's still disconnected and after asma' smsed me yesterday, I told her my internet line would be okay today but till this afternoon when I called the telecom they said they were facing a big problem with my cable....asma also mentioned there're many makcik bloggers asking about my here I am at the Kempinski Hotel internet cafe...while waiting for zaid and izzat having fun time bowling , I decided to have a peep on my blog... I hate going to cc but today I can't wait any longer to be with my cyber friends.

To all my cyber friends , I'm so grateful to have all of you as my dearest companions. I apologize for not responding earlier ( I wish I could, so so sorry !! ). Well ,I never thought all of you would be worried of my absence.

InsyaAllah , I'll be fully back in the blogsphere once my cable is fixed. As for now, I really like to thank all of you who are so kind hearted and caring. May our friendship last forever...Amin.

Happy Mother's Day and Have a nice weekend !!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Berapa Harga Diri Ini ????

Kamarku kembali sunyi
Dingin malam masih di sini
Saat ini ku tanya pada diri
Agaknya berapa harga diri ini ???

Cukupkah sekadar harga sekampit beras basmati ?
Atau harga se kilogram giant calamari ?
Atau harga seutas rantai emas bertatah baiduri?
Atau harga sebuah BMW 7series ?
Atau harga sebuah banglo 4 tingkat di pinggir Tasik Cini ?
Atau harga sebuah jet peribadi ?

Bukan, bukan itu harga diri ini....

Siapa diriku menilai diri sendiri ???

Sedang rohku ketentuan Ilahi
Sedang mentalku ketentuan Ilahi
Sedang jasadku ketentuan Ilahi
Sedang hidupku ketentuan Ilahi
Sedang matiku ketentuan Ilahi
Sedang rezekiku ketentuan Ilahi

Siapa diriku menetapkan harga diri sendiri???

Diri ini kian sunyi
Malam kian menggamit diri
Harga diri masih dicari-cari
Terasa tiada harga diri ini
Kepada Allah kuserahkan harga diri

Doa ku pohon di malam sunyi
Semoga harga diriku semakin tinggi
Setinggi mentari di siang hari
Di sisi Allah itulah harga yang kucari
