Monday, July 02, 2007


The time has come.......... We'll be leaving for Egypt tomorrow........ our family summer vacation for two weeks !!

Thank you my dear sifu traveller jhaz for all the tips and information about Egypt....
A very BIG thank you also to my son,zaid who'll be our tour guide and my BIGGEST thanks to my darling who sponsors our trip...May Allah bless all of you, Amin.

I'll update my blog once I'm back from holidays........It's gonna be a hot summer holiday this time........Pray for our safe journey, InsyaAllah.
EGYPT.....HERE WE COME !!!!!!!!!!


Cat Cat said...

Bestnya dapat pergi Egypt for 2 weeks. Have a great vacation.

Anonymous said...

wah..best2 dpt tour ke egypt.semoga selamat pegi n balik. zaid jaga famili lelok..

J.T. said...

Two weeks in Egypt. That is extravagant ... and oh! so lucky of you.

You deserve it, Sarinah. You are the supermom who keeps things together and going while your darling is away.

All the best. Have fun and don't forget to blog all about it. Looking forward to pictures. If you are doing a Nile cruise, please take a picture of that for me. I would so love to see what it is like. That is one of my dreams - to do a Nile cruise. :)

Kak Elle said...

Have a safe journey and a good summer holiday to you and family.

If given a chance I too like to go on the Nile:)

NURAZZAH8 said...

Best nya....semoga selamat pergi dan kembali... ambil gambar banyak2.... kami menunggu cerita dari Egypt pula...

wahh...lepas balik Egypt, sibuk nak sediakn utk kenduri pula...

Bulan July yang sangat bermakna...


k.d said...

Enjoy! Selamat bercuti.

Seronok nyer!!

Anonymous said...

Selamat bercuti, insya allah kami menyusul pula ke sana.

Jgn lupa amik gambar banyak2 and dapatkan cite2 menarik dari sana.

Anak sedara kitaorg dari Mesir ada di sini sekarang ni.

Have a nice trip...bye2

MAMAMIA said...

Suka lagu Summer Holiday ni...

Selamat Bercuti...Enjoy yourself...

simah said...

safe journey akak!

i am sure loads of pictures n stories waitingfor us here in the blog land :0)

pinkytoe said...

selamat bercuti kak ina..tak sabar nak dengar citer vacation.

maklang said...

harap tak terlambat...

selamat bercuti and take care!

Sastri said...

bestnya ke Egypt... u get to see the pyramids, the sphinx, the museum that has lotsa artifacts... sungguh bertuah akak... sas minat egyptology nih, hopefully one day sampai la ke sana... have a safe journey kak...

Mama Sarah said...

nak ikut!

NBK466 said...

Wah...bestnyer....have a nice holidays....

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Selamat 'berMesir'. Balik nanti kongsi penganlaman :)

Mama Rock said...

i'm back in blogland and you're off form blogland. have a great vacation. looking forward to the pictures :)

KAMATO said...

Selamat bercuti, semoga selamat semuanya

aNIe said...

Rina...masa kak lady buka blog rina ni pasti rina dah pun terbang ke egypt...

Selmat Bercuti Rina...Selamat Pergi dan selamat kembali...Enjoy your trip...

arZOoo said... journey akak..bawak cte bes2 kat egypt tau..

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidaying Kak Rina...Have a safe trip ya...

Ambik gambar tau... we all nak tumpang nengok gak...

Take care and salam.

Mulan said...

selamat bercuti kak rina, kami pun dah nak berangkat ni..

Anonymous said...

aisey.. dah bertolak ke egypt rupenye.. sorry, lame tak lawat ur blog.. bz dgn hal2 kat msia yg kene disettlekan secepat mungkin b4 i go back to dublin end of this month.. ape2 pun, safe journey.. enjoy your holidays in egypt!!!! nanti bile dah balik amman, jgn lupe ceritekan ur experience kat kiteorg... :)

lelakhalidah said...

Selamat bercuti!

Faizah said...

enjoy yr holidays...take care..selamat pergi dan kembali ye..

Jaznarul tu mmg hebat...

D said...

Egypt's an interesting place to explore... the pyramids,the Niles, the bazaar, the crystals... Hopefully tak kena 'ketuk' orang Mesir sudahlah...

Ajzie said...

Selamat bercuti.. moga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar...

silversarina said...